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Route Details

Route Statistics

Biking mileage: 1880 mi

Biking elevation: 116,938 ft

Climbing mileage: 835 mi

Climbing elevation: 381,781 ft

Trip duration: 71 Days (3 weekend trips + 62 days on the road)


Elapsed Duration: 107 Days

The list that we are going off of:

Peakbagger Bulger List

Phase 1 - Stuart Range, Rainier & Little Tahoma     May 5th - June 4th

These mountains are far apart, so require a fair bit of bicycling. This will give us a good gauge on our physical fitness as well as caloric needs. We will attempt stage 1 during weekends until the end of the school year. This will allow us to fine tune our bike packing systems.


Phase 2 - The Central Cascades

June 19th through early July

These peaks are fairly concentrated, and include areas like Clark, Glacier Peak, Trinity, and Entiat Mountains. We have a few 1-2 night trips including climbing Glacier Peak from this side because the standard approach from the west would require a lot more cycling.  Many of these peaks involve Class 3-4 climbing but not technical rock climbing, so we hope to get by without a rope. There are four peaks above 9000 feet in this region: Glacier, Maude, Seven Fingered Jack and Fernow.

Phase 3 - North Cascades (East)

Early through mid July

The peaks of the east side are less glaciated than those of the west side. The Pasayten features long approaches, big valleys and high tundra. We will have some pretty long days to get to the many high peaks in this region, but the peaks are less technically challenging. This area is also the most affected by wildfire, so we hope for luck here.


Phase 4 - North Cascades (Central)

Mid through late July

The Big Trip (15 peaks). This 10 day trip will be the wildest of the expedition. Because we are using human powered transportation, we will not take the boat up Lake Chelan, instead approaching this region from Rainy Pass. These peaks are tall, steep and glaciated. This region will present a variety of challenges, from the crevasses of Sinister, to the Dark-Bonanza traverse, rock climbing on Tupshin, and the routefinding on Ragged Ridge. Weather is always a factor, but as we move further west, we will have a greater chance of rain, snow and weather delays.

Phase 5 - North Cascades (West)

Late July through early August

This stunning area, also known as the American Alps, involves some big glaciers and a second big trip.  There are long 1 day climbs of Jack and Snowfield, and a multiday trip around Eldorado and Cascade Pass. A highlight will be the Inspiration Traverse as well as the traverse from Eldorado to Forbidden to Sahale to Buckner.


Phase 6 - Baker, Shuksan, & The Chilliwacks    Mid August

The high peaks near the Canadian Border are among the most remote of the trip. A third big trip will climb these spectacular mountains. Glaciers, choss and routefinding challenges abound.

Phase 7 - St. Helens, Adams, & The Bike Home  Mid to late August

We will make the long bike ride from the North Cascades south, first climbing Mt. St. Helens, then Mt Adams. This will complete the project and we will ride home to Ellensburg.

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